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Great as a base for a parrot toy or foot toy.

You can even hide treats inside the ball.

Your parrot will enjoy exploring this universal toy

Mini comes in 4 colours Red, Green, Yellow and Blue, as seen in small images on left and made from hard plastic.

This size is suitable for XSmall to Small birds. 

Small Ball come in a mixture of colours and made from hard plastic. Colours available are Red, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green, Black and White one of each will be provided in the 8 pack

This size is suitable for Small to Medium birds. 

Medium and Large come in a mixture of colours & made from soft rubbery non toxic plastic. Colours available are Red, Orange, Blue, Purple and Green.

This size is suitable for Medium to Large birds

CAUTION: Medium & Large Balls are made with soft rubbery plastic, so if your bird is destructive these balls will easily be destroyed.

See size measurements of each size ball under Additional information.