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Regular price $15.95

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Fresh Clean seed with NO shell grit included.

This seed is specially formulated for the obese parakeets and parrots, because Australian native parrots come from drought areas they normally are on a low fat diet in the wild.

Contains; Pannicum, White French, Jap and Hulled Oats.

When we put parrots into captivity with limited exercise and fatty seeds, such as sunflower and safflower, we cause them to become obese, this can cause major health issues such as fatty tumors and low blood circulation etc.

This seed mixture is good for all Australian Native parrots.

If you feed an all seed diet, please also include Soluvet Vitamin mineral supplement in your birds water. Please see Related product below. Also provide your bird with fresh fruit & vegetables daily.

STORAGE - To keep your seed fresh we recommend storing it in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark area or if your storing for long periods in the fridge or freezer, this will help prevent moths/larvae which are a natural occuring bug in seed, if not kept in the right temperatures. 

For more information on the importance of a balanced diet, please read the following article CLICK HERE

TASMANIA CUSTOMERS – Due to Quarantine restrictions in your state, we cannot post this product to Tasmania.